What are some tips for men to stay connected with their spirituality while living sober?

Another good way to keep in touch with your higher power and strengthen your spirituality is to spend time outdoors. Walking, hiking, or even just sitting.

What are some tips for men to stay connected with their spirituality while living sober?

Another good way to keep in touch with your higher power and strengthen your spirituality is to spend time outdoors. Walking, hiking, or even just sitting. Walking, hiking, or even just sitting outside without distractions can help you feel at peace. Imagine Jesus as the captain of your team.

Watch him cheer you up as you face daily challenges to stay sober. Sure, there will be times when you feel like giving up and having a drink to relax. But the danger is that you will enter a dark place again. Remember that God is light and in him there is no darkness.

If you're feeling negative and depressed, know that he doesn't want these feelings to overcome him. By being grateful for their kindness, you're more likely to stay sober and be a blessing to others. Because many people don't have a stable living environment that supports alcohol and drug abstinence, ORS developed SLH, where clients can live while attending the outpatient program. The average length of stay in both types of housing for sober people exceeded the National Institute on Drug Abuse recommendation of at least 90 days for maximum benefit.

Patricia Petrik
Patricia Petrik

Wannabe tv fanatic. Professional pop culture evangelist. Hipster-friendly zombie nerd. Social media junkie. General travel trailblazer.